Great Mother and Chief Flower Essence

Great Mother and Chief Flower Essence


Great Mother

Giving & Receiving support- for all issues of giving or receiving support 

Pomegranate- emotional extremes due to lack of childhood nurturance

celebration of abundance-believing that you have a lack of resources, time, opportunity 

milky nipple cactus- all issues resulting from being abandoned, especially of abandoned by mother or by a nurturing figure 

ancestral patterns- overcoming inherited feelings of being abandoned 

unconditional love & support formula- for inability to trust in love

pink monkeyflower-retain trust and vulnerability despite previous heartbreak or trauma

herba santa- accumulation of psychic toxins within the heart; deep-seated pain and trauma which blocks the heart from full expression. 

oregon grape – feeling unoloved, left out, paranoid

universe handles details- for letting go and allowing outside forces to support your needs

integ being & doing – burnout from focusing too much on accomplishing things

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