Warrior Flower Essence

Warrior Flower Essence



impatience & irritability- poison oak- susceptible to irritation or anger; antipathetic rather than sympathetic tendencies

jumping cholla cactus- for all types of impatience

Perfectionism & fear of failure-beech- tending to blame and criticize others due to high standards of perfection

fawn lily- retreating from daily strife; feeling secure in a reclusive setting which is more spiritually perfect

larch- so sure of failure that an effort to try is often curtailed; paralysis due to impossibility of achieving perfection; fear of mistakes

scorpion weed-  fear of making a mistake or of repeating the mistakes of the past

Controlling/flexibility- rock water- for developing a flowing attitude toward life; easing overly strict self-imposed standards

Willow- accepting and forgiving others; letting go of resentment

arroyo willow- feeling rigid and needing to control things

hoptree- trying too hard to make things happen just the way we think things need to be

lack trust- baby blue eyes- when the soul no longer trusts due to harsh life experience; feeling abandoned by spiritual world; restoration of childlike innocence and trust, renewed spirituality

mallow- learning to trust as the basis of friendship; difficulty making friends due to lack of trust

oregon grape- trusting the good will of others, especially when tending to misperceive others’ intentions

judgmental- foothills paloverde- critical or judgmental of yourself or others

loneliness-elm- feeling one is alone in facing an overwhelming task; to realize that human and spiritual help is available

mustard- loneliness and isolation which result from depression and withdrawal

nicotiana- appearing solitary or independent but unable to express or share real feelings with others; emotional numbness

creosote bush-loneliness from unresolved feelings of bitterness; ancient feeling of being forever alone

rigidity- prickle poppy-blockages to the flow of life’s energies through having a taskmaster attitude toward yourself

desert willow-feeling rigid and inflexible; perfectionism

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